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What We Do—

Programs & Services

Arc community participation is a community-based service for people ranging in age from young adulthood through senior citizenship who have developmental and other disabilities.

The training that the Arc staff members provide in community-based settings is designated to assist the people served to truly become integral parts of their communities while addressing the individual habilitation and community integration needs of the people served. The Arc model of service focuses on provision of training in environments that are in the community, not segregated from it, and environments in which the individuals who are learning the skills are engaged in activities that are both functional and meaningful, both to them and to other community members. 

The training that Arc staff members provide to these individuals is designed to encourage the development and maintenance of the following skills: employment exploration and work skill development; community survival; independent living; functional communication; social awareness; personal responsibility; self-determination; development of relationships with peers, both typical and disabled; ability to exercise individual choice; enjoyment of recreation, leisure; and management of one’s own behavior. 

Individuals who have disabilities participate in the development of a person-centered support plan related to that individual’s specific needs. Activities in which individuals may participate to accomplish the training goals stipulated in their individual support plan might include participating as a volunteer at nonprofit organizations, using public transportation, purchasing items at a store, or using resources in the community such as libraries, parks, and golf courses. Participants learn and practice skills at specific sites in the community, where there is an opportunity for them to interact with non-disabled peers, or in the community at large where they can interact with the general public. 

The Arc of Jackson County operates its programs without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with the Arc of Jackson County. 

For more information on the civil rights program and the procedures to file a complaint, contact:

The Arc of Jackson County

180 Mack Morris Drive

Scottsboro, Al 35769


Fax: 256-259-4162

A complaint may be filed directly with the Federal Transit Administration by contacting:

Office of Civil Rights 

Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator

East Building, 5th floor-TCR

1200 New Jersey Ave., SE

Washington DC 20590

If information is needed in another language, then contact 256-259-1603.

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